How to remove the model after printing?

The cooling sequence starts immediately after finishing the printing process. The work field of the printer remains highlighted in red until the temperature is safe for removing the printout from the work table. Except the color of highlighting while the device cools down, information on cooling progress is displayed on the printer’s panel. When the temperature of printer is safe, the device lighting turns green and the panel displays message Remove Model. Always wear protective gloves when removing the printed object from the work table!

WARNING! The cooling sequence can be skipped after finishing printing. To do this select, the option Skip Cooling from the printer’s menu. However, only experienced operators are allowed to use this option. To prevent any accidental burns, make sure that the printing head is cooled down and withdrawn to zero position of X-axis (maximum left).

In order to remove the printout from the table, use the attached spatula to gently pry the object up from several sides. Never use sharp corners of spatula – use only the flat edge of the tool. Never remove the printout by force, as this may damage the work table. In case of problems with separating the printout from the table, it is recommended to reheat the work table and cool it down again. Reheating the table can be repeated several times and may prove necessary for solids with large surface base, the base of printout should be constantly pried up with a spatula when the device is cooled.

WARNING! Do not touch the table surface with bare hands! Any undesired substance spread on the surface of work table may affect its adhesive/adherent properties necessary for the correct printing process. Always use clean protective gloves to ensure that printed objects shall properly adhere to the table.

What does E201 on the display mean?

E201 - problem with force measurement on the load cells.

In the case of error E201 - the indication of load cells should be checked according to the instructions below.

Load cells operation capability should be checked with the extruder’s lever pulled out to the left.

1. Check the indication of the load cells by choosing following commands from the printer’s menu:
OK - Configuration - Hardware Test - F (value)
The static indication of the load cell marked F should be within the range: from -1500 to 3000 units.

2. Check the correctness of load cells acting:

• With the load cell activated, press with the finger from the top of the left load cell and observe the indication. With such pressure, the indication should increase significantly (by several thousand units).

• Then, lift the left load cell with finger from below to observe decrease of indication.

Similarly, check the right load cell.

If the state indication of the load cell is not within the given range – it is too high or too low and/or the value of the indication under the finger pressure is not changing significantly (few thousands) - contact the 3DGence service (overlap: REPORT PROBLEM).

In the event of an E201 error message when starting the Heatbed Scan, you must additionally:
- check if the fan does not squeeze the Y-axis guide,
- check if the hotend is not dirty.

What does E202 on the display mean?

E202 – the position of hotend is out of range, incorrect height above the heatbed.

Adjust the leveling of the heatbed in all four corners according to the Z – axis limit switch adjustment manual included in MANUALS overlap.

Contact 3DGence Service (overlap: REPORT PROBLEM) if:
- the problem exists after the adjustment of the Z - axis limit switch.

What does E203/def on the display mean?

E203 – error of the temperature sensors. Problem with the temperature measurement.

Instead of the information about the E203 error, the information about def on hotend can appear. The message informs about problem with temperature, heater or thermistor.

In case of appearance the information about error:

Check if the hotend is positioned correctly in the block:

- inserted until the end and directed the groove forward and the connectors backward.

• Check if the error appears on the other hotend.

• Check if the connectors in the hotend block are damaged, burned or bent.

If the connectors are bent you can:
1. Turn off the printer and unplug the printer from power supply.
2. Pull out the hotend from the block.
3. In the hotend block from top gently bend the connectors to your side using tweezers.

4. Insert the hotend to the block.
5. Turn on the printer.
6. Check if the problem disappeared.

Contact 3DGence Service (overlap: REPORT PROBLEM) if:
- the same error is on another hotend,
- the bend of the connectors did not help,
- connectors are damaged: broken or burned.

What does Killed on the display mean?

Error Killed - means that the autocalibration procedure has not run correctly.

Causes of killed:

1. No Heatbed Scan has been done after uploading a new firmware to the printer.

Run a Heatbed Scan choosing following commands from printer’s menu:
Ok - Calibration - Heatbed Scan.

2. Incorrect height of hotend above the heatbed.

Adjust the leveling of the heatbed in all four corners according to the Z – axis limit switch adjustment manual included in MANUALS overlap.

3. Problem with force measurement on load cells.

The indication of load cells should be checked according to the instructions below.

Load cells acting should be checked with the extruder’s lever pulled out to the left.

1. Check the indication of the load cells by choosing following commands from the printer’s menu:
OK - Configuration - Hardware Test - F (value)
The static indication of the load cell marked F should be within the range:
from -1500 to 3000 units. 

2. Check the correctness of load cells acting:

• With the load cell activated, press with the finger from the top of the left load cell and observe the indication. With such pressure, the indication should increase significantly (by several thousand units).

• Then, lift the left load cell with finger from below to observe decrease of indication.

Similarly, check the right load cell.

Contact the 3DGence service (overlap: REPORT PROBLEM) if:
- the problem still appears after doing the Heatbed scan,
- the problem still appears after adjusting the Z-axis limit switch,
- the state indication of the load cell is not within the given range – it is too high or too low and/or the value of the indication under the finger pressure is not changing significantly (few thousands).

What to do if there is a temperature change on the display?

In case of temperature bounced:

• Check if the problem appears on two different hotends.

• Check if the connectors in the hotend block are damaged, burned or bent.

If the connestors are bent:
1. Turn off the printer and unplug the printer from power supply.
2. Pull out the hotend from the block.
3. In the hotend block from top gently bend the connectors to your side using tweezers.

4. Insert the hotend to the block.
5. Turn on the printer.
6. Check if the problem disappeared.

• Check if the IDC tapes are damaged:

For this purpose it is necessary:
1. Turn on the printer.
2. Preheat the printer by choosing following commands from printer's menu:
OK - Prepare - Preheat - Preheat PLA.
3. When the printer is heated, move the X-axis carriage very slowly from left to the right and back. Check if there are the bounce of temperatures on the display.


Contact 3DGence Service (overlap: REPORT PROBLEM) if:
- temperature bounced also appear on other hotends,
- the bend of the connectors did not help,
- connectors are damaged: broken or burned,
- there are temperature bounce when the carriage is moving on the X-axis from left to right.

What to do if the hotend does not heat up?

If the hotend does not heat up:

• Check if the problem appears on two different hotends.

• Check if the connectors in the hotend block are damaged, burned or bent.

If the connestors are bent:
1. Turn off the printer and unplug the printer from power supply.
2. Pull out the hotend from the block.
3. In the hotend block from top gently bend the connectors to your side using tweezers.

4. Insert the hotend to the block.
5. Turn on the printer.
6. Check if the problem disappeared.

Contact 3DGence Service (overlap: REPORT PROBLEM) if:
- lack of heating also appear on other hotends,
- the bend of the connectors did not help,
- connectors are damaged: broken or burned.